After 27 Years, Boudoir Gave Me The Confidence To Finally Wear A Bikini on Holiday…and Train as a Personal Trainer Aged 53!

“Thank you for giving a 53 year old woman, who had had issues surrounding food for the last 27 years, the confidence to wear what I want on my holiday.”

I meet so many amazing Divas in the studio and every story stays with me in some way, but I have to admit that Catherine’s story holds a special place in my heart. It’s a testament to what Boudoir, and moreover, what YOU can do when you open yourself to confidence.

I had the absolute joy of chatting with Catherine recently and it made me realise that her story needed sharing so, without further ado, here is Catherine with her own words (and photos) to talk about the unexpected path that Boudoir led her down…

What is your name and age?

I'm Catherine Spencer and I'm 56 years old.

When did you come in for your Boudoir Shoot?

I came in for my boudoir shoot in the summer of 2018.

What made you decide to book?

I booked because I'd been diagnosed post menopause, I felt I'd lost my identity, my confidence and that I'd become invisible, not just to others but to myself.

Obviously, we have quite in depth phone calls with you before your experience! Do you feel that it was an important part of the photography experience? Do you feel it added to the experience?

I think the chat I had with Jo before I came in was extremely useful. It was like chatting to a friend. I got to know about DD and what the experience would entail and Jo got to know about me, my family, my likes and dislikes, my personality, what I hoped to gain from the experience.

Having a professional makeup artist work with you on the day, do you think this added to the experience, and what did it do for your confidence coming into the shoot?

Harriet is just a miracle worker with hair and make up. I loved being pampered and having my hair styled and make up applied. I'm usually an eyeliner & bit of lippy girl, I'd never worn false eyelashes! When that chair swivelled round, I couldn't stop looking at myself, I looked years younger and so different. I wish Harriet could come live with me and do my hair and makeup every day, lol!!

A lot of women feel self conscious about having a boudoir experience - knowing what you know now, what would you say to any woman feeling a little self conscious about herself and treating herself to this experience?

I felt very self conscious at first. I'm a 'curvy' lady, saggy and baggy with stretch marks after 3 babies and an appendectomy scar. I changed behind the screen, put on the robe and came out. Within 10 mins I was doing my first nude shoot, I felt completely at ease and very comfortable.

What was it like actually being photographed? How did you find the photoshoot itself?

I laughed all the way through my photo shoot. It was funny doing the poses but such great fun and it was the best 'me' time I've ever had.

Tell us - what was the moment you saw your photos for the first time like? How have other people in your life benefited from this experience? What have they said about your photos!

I was more nervous about viewing my photos than the shoot itself! There was absolutely no need. Here are a few of my favourites below! I loved the whole experience so much, it liberated me and gave me so much more confidence in myself. Honestly, if you are on the fence, jump off it right away and book yourself in!!

Confidence is a big thing - in fact it is everything. How has this boudoir experience elevated who you are in different areas of your life - for example has this confidence affected your relationship or your career?

I loved my experience it's enriched my life and I'm happy with the way I can now continue to grow and develop myself, after thinking I'd done everything I thought I would do in life! My Divas experience actually gave me the confidence to qualify as a Sports Massage Therapist.

There have been so many moments where it helped. As part of the course we had to massage each other and today it resulted in me having to lie topless for a back massage. Before my DD shoot I would have been MORTIFIED! Now though, with plenty of modesty, towels and discretion, I hopped up on that couch for my turn. I’m also learning to teach Pilates and I’ve done my level 4 Sports Massage Therapy in September. I’m so glad that the shoot I had left me feeling empowered and able to chase my dreams. Onwards and upward! I’ve included a photo which isn’t quite a typical DD moment but I am so proud!

My aim is to get people who feel very uncomfortable in mainstream classes/gyms exercising because I've been that person in leggings and an oversize t-shirt, panting and sweating, not having a clue, feeling totally embarrassed and ashamed that I don't look like a gym bunny. I still puff, pant and sweat but I'm loving my runs and workouts. I don't look like a gym bunny and neither do I want to.

I am real; my amazing body has produced three human beings, kept my husband and family loved, fed, nurtured for over 30 years, supported friends when they needed me, helped me complete 5 half marathons AND it continues to show me that I am still the same curvaceous, sassy, sexy woman that I was at my Divine Divas shoot two years ago.

And I know you also mentioned about the shoot giving you confidence in other parts of your life too?!

Yes! Thanks to Divine Divas, I braved a bikini on holiday and no one ran screaming, lol! Divine Divas gave a 53 year old woman, who had had issues surrounding food for the last 27 years, the confidence to wear what I want on my holiday. In fact, here is a photo of me doing exactly that! I’m 53 and a size 16 but this gave me the confidence to buy a bikini for when I went to Mombassa with my husband. It was our 30th wedding anniversary and a bucket list holiday after my hubby had throat cancer in 2017. We blooming well thought we had to make the most of every moment. You never know what life will throw at you so go for it, push your comfort zone and do it!

If this experience helped you find part of you that you believe you had lost or maybe felt you had to hide away, which part of you do you believe you have been able to rediscover because of your boudoir experience with us?

I wake up every morning to a piece of artwork on my bedroom wall. It reminds me I'm me, perfect as I am and valued.

As well as that, it lifts me up in moments I don’t necessarily even expect - like this moment where I wore shorts to run for the first time in years! I thought if I can whip my clothes off and get photographed, I can get my chubby little legs out and go for a run! It was so much cooler. It’s not quite the glamorous photo that people post but it’s proof that Divine Divas made a new woman of me.

How do you feel every time you look at your artwork now? So many people have said that this is the best money that they have ever spent on themselves - we know we are not cheap, but some times we just need to know that we are worth spoiling - do you believe that what you received was valuable and, thinking about it now and all that this will give you for so many years, do you believe that this was money well spent?

I went for the most expensive package at the time, but I would do it all over again. It was worth every single penny, it's something I can keep referring back to when I lose connection and need a lift. I'm hoping it won't be a once in a lifetime experience, but if it is, I'm so glad I did it as it has changed my life, my outlook and I have fallen in love with me again

If you want to check out Catherine’s personal trainer page you can go to Instagram and search for - @riotrecovery_sports_massage.


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