Goddesses, Nudity and Nature… My Nude Experience Was Raw and Healing.

“The photoshoot has encouraged me to live my life from my place of power.”

I think we’re about to have the first Divine Divas school trip… The British Museum is holding an exhibition called “The Divine Feminine” exploring female authority and femininity throughout the ages. From the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes, to the Hindu goddess, Kali, (who is normally depicted carrying a severed head and a bloodied sword - a mood that we can really get behind), they are looking at all expressions of womanhood. It got us thinking. Why? Because in the discussion around female power, the topic of a woman’s body and nudity always features.

From the sheer fact that we literally create life, to the cycles our bodies go through, women have an immense link to nature. It’s this connection that has inspired so many great works of Art, and literature, and what makes the Goddesses we just mentioned feel so captivating. A woman’s innate link to nature, and the power that comes with that, is something that fascinates us here; and it’s something that, in our eyes, always feels so present in any nude shoots. A nude experience seems to embody all of this; celebrating a woman’s body and its beautifully feminine balance of strength and softness.

It’s also why we wanted to tell you about Shanti and her nude shoot. Shanti will tell you all of this in her own words, but she came to us a few months back now and it was such a special experience to share with her. We had so many beautiful conversations about honouring women and expressing a raw, wild form of sexiness, and why a nude experience feels as special as it is, and we’d love you to read some of that yourself.

What is your name and age?  

Shanti Moon, 26 

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? What do you love doing? 

My friends would probably describe me as a hippy, I live in a van, and I love and teach yoga. I am a lover of movement of all kinds, yoga, dancing and anything that gets me into my body. I love being outside in nature, especially barefoot in the sun. I’m a pretty open minded person and a bit of an extrovert, I love connecting with people and learning new things and discovering new places. I’m a sensory person, so I love good music, good food, the smell of flowers and all the pleasures in life 😊  

When did you come in for your Boudoir Shoot?  

My boudoir shoot was on the 2nd March 2022 


What made you decide to book?  

I previously had won a free shoot with another company, however when I spoke to them, they didn’t align with my values of how I wanted the shoot to be. But it sparked my interest about having a shoot. I am a body positive and confident person and so the idea of having a photoshoot just seemed so fun! I’m big on empowerment and it was one of the reasons I wanted to do a shoot. I wanted the album as I reminder, that if have days where I doubt myself , I can take a look at the album and remind myself about the power that exists within me! 

I found Divine Divas through google and booked a call with them. I found out they were doing the studio takeover shoot, and was sold at the idea of wooden floors, stain glass windows and the more rustic feel compared to the traditional boudoir shoot. I had a phone consultation with Divine Divas and loved how friendly they were. They totally understood the vision of what I wanted and they were so welcoming that I couldn’t not book it!  

Obviously, we have quite in depth phone calls with you before your experience! Do you feel that it was an important part of the photography experience? Do you feel it added to the experience?  

The phone calls were an important part for me! Speaking to Jess, the design consultant of my shoot, was really special. I wanted to make sure before having the shoot that the vision of what I wanted was communicated. I didn’t want my boudoir shoot to be about extravagant make up or props, I didn’t want to have the shiny extras, I wanted more of a raw shoot and so it was important that we spoke about this before the shoot. It also helped as I felt I really got to know Jess before coming in for the shoot, everyone working at Divine Divas are so friendly and make you feel so welcome, and the phone calls is another part of that. The phone calls are great for anyone who is feeling a little nervous as they put you at ease before having the shoot.  


Having a professional makeup artist work with you on the day, do you think this added to the experience, and what did it do for your confidence coming into the shoot? 

I don’t often wear makeup, and if I do, its really subtle, so it was important for me that the makeup wasn’t a distraction or a cover up, it was just to enhance my features. The makeup artist was attentive to what makeup I wanted to wear and did a great job with it. I also had my hair curled which was a great treat. I made sure to go dancing in the evening so I put the hair and make-up to good use!  


A lot of women feel self conscious about having a boudoir experience - I know that you didn’t and you were just so excited to come in but knowing what you know now, what would you say to any woman feeling a little self conscious about herself and treating herself to this experience?  

I would say to anyone who is feeling self conscious that it doesn’t matter what you look like, what your body shape is and what your doubts or insecurities are, jump into it and have fun. You will look back on the photos with awe and admiration of who you are in these photos and in 5 years/10 years time, looking back, you won’t even remember what your uncertainties were. It is such an empowering experience and I think everyone should have this opportunity. Embrace your inner goddess and have fun with it, the day will go so quickly so just be present with each moment. The day in itself is an experience, even without the photos. Just be you, because the photographer is there to capture you, the photos are there for you. The whole day is for you because you deserve it!  


What was it like actually being photographed? How did you find the photoshoot itself?  

I haven’t had a photoshoot before and especially with the photoshoot being nude, I thought it would take me time to really sink into the shoot and to feel comfortable but I had so much fun from start to finish. The photographer, Neill, was great! So friendly and really worked with me to help achieve the vision of how I wanted the photos to look. He was great with suggesting poses, movements and giving tips but also allowed for my creative expression too.  

I loved having the different areas in the studio to explore and how each area had a different energy to play with for the photos. Being able to have a photographer that could capture the essence of what I wanted to communicate through the photos was special. The photoshoot and the day went by quickly, so I would say to everyone to make the most of it. Let go of the doubts and worries and just jump into it.  

So, you chose to go for a nude shoot, how did you find that? I know we said this on the phone but we feel that a nude shoot can be quite a transcendent experience, that there’s something that feels quite spiritual about it. To me, anyway, it speaks to celebrating women’s natural power and beauty as a whole, would you agree with that? 

I wanted to have a nude shoot as it was important for me to strip back all the distractions, cover ups and really show what is inside. We can hide so much in life, humans wear masks and hide behind projections of how we want to present ourselves to the world and I wanted to get rid of all that.  

I wanted to really embrace my wild woman and goddess nature from inside and show my inner power but also the vulnerability that is part of that. I enjoy being nude as I find it freeing and liberating, it feels so natural and beautiful to me and having this opportunity in a photoshoot was especially beautiful. I had a few photos taken in underwear too but my favourite photos are the nude shots.  

Yes, this shoot was a real celebration of natural power and beauty, I didn’t want any smoke and mirrors, it was important for me to have a more natural shoot and the whole team was really committed to making this happen. This photoshoot was so much more than just being a photoshoot and just having photos, it was a whole experience. 


I know we talked a lot about it being really important that this captured your authentic self. That this wasn’t being sexy in a way that wasn’t real for you, but in a way that felt strong, and powerful and womanly. Do you feel you did that? 

Yes definitely! From the phone calls, to the make up artist, to the photographer, the shoot and everything in between, the team was really committed to making sure my vision was captured. I wanted the photos to show the real me, I didn’t want cover ups and I wanted to be able to look at the photos and say “yeah that’s me”, without changing them, without photoshop, without a tonne of make up and props. And some people might want to have that as part of their photos and so if that’s what you want, then you should go for it, everyone’s vision is different. I think it’s so important to make sure that what your photoshoot entails and the photos you have are what YOU want and what YOUR vision is. And for me, my vision was natural, raw, authentic. I wanted to be able to recognise the woman in the photos, I did this shoot for me and so I wanted to be happy with what I saw in the photos, and I was so stunned with the photos, and the final result.  

Tell us - what was the moment you saw your photos for the first time like? I know you mentioned it was a really emotional experience, why do you think that was? 

Jess took me into the showing room, which has a projector screen the size of the wall on. We sat on the sofa so she could show me the slideshow of the photos…. 

I’m a body positive person, I’m comfortable in my body and I wasn’t particularly nervous for the photos so I felt like the photos would show how comfortable I was and I was excited to see the photos. I thought I was prepared for what the photos would look like but I was stunned; I was in such awe of the photos. The size of the screen is BIG, and I had never seen photos of me that size before, it was so immersive and captivating. The photos themselves took my breath away, they were everything I wanted to have captured and so much more! It was emotional because I felt such a deep connection to the photos, the beauty, the vulnerability and strength that was in all of them. It felt like a really healing experience and really put into perspective any insecurities or hang ups I used to have about myself. To be able to see a slideshow of naked photos of yourself and look at them with such admiration, and awe, without criticising or judging how you look and all the other stupid things we get caught up with in our lives is one of the most powerful and accepting places you can be with yourself. To be able to be in a place of true appreciation and acceptance of yourself is a potent feeling, and it was almost overwhelming. 

Divine Divas made the first time of me seeing the photos such a memorable moment.  


Has this boudoir experience elevated who you are in different areas of your life? 

The photoshoot was so empowering and has encouraged me to live my life from my place of power, it was a place that I knew before, but the shoot just deepened that power and confidence. It has definitely expanded my love and appreciation that I have for my body and my beauty and I see it more as art now. The things before that I might have disliked or wanted to change slightly, I can accept and appreciate they make me, me. My quirks and my things that make me different are the things that are most special, and knowing this gives a real sense of peace and acceptance to being me! 


Did this experience help find or celebrate a specific part of who you are? How did that feel? 

I wanted to do this shoot to connect to and embrace my inner wild woman and my goddess power, which it definitely did. This shoot helped me celebrate me in all my power, all aspects of myself, there were some softer and gentle photos and some photos that were powerful and strong. I feel like the photos truly capture who I am, and you can see my essence in the photos. I feel such a deep connection to the photos and to the woman I see in the photos. It’s a reminder for those times I forget who she is.  


How do you feel every time you look at your artwork now? So many people have said that this is the best money that they have ever spent on themselves - we know we are not cheap, but some times we just need to know that we are worth spoiling - do you believe that what you received was valuable and, thinking about it now and all that this will give you for so many years, do you believe that this was money well spent? 

I feel true joy and love and appreciation when I look at my artwork. I bought an album with 23 photos in, and I wish I had bought more of the photos!  

The album is such a high quality and the photos are stunning. The photos are a really good size, especially the double spread photos. I am so proud of the photos, it’s an incredible reminder of a special day and a possession that I will treasure for the rest of my life. When I look at my album, it brings such a wholesome feeling and each time I see the photos it deepens my love and respect for my body and what I hold inside of my body.  

I would suggest that everyone does this experience, it was money well spend and the album is so valuable to me. You can’t take money with you, and you might as well spend it on things that you will remember for the rest of your life! I completely agree with sometimes we need spoiling, especially as women, we have so much conditioning and restrictions put on our bodies from when we are young and from society. And it’s so empowering to be able to take your power back, do something that is for you, something that makes you feel worthy, something that makes you feel beautiful. Don’t let doubt get in your way, you deserve to be in your power, you deserve to feel like a goddess, and having a photoshoot like this might just help you feel that way.  


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