Couples Boudoir: FAQ’s & What Couples Say About Their Experience

What is Couples Boudoir?

In simple terms, a Couples Boudoir Experience is a photoshoot with you and your partner. But what it is really about is stepping away from the day-to-day to celebrate the relationship you share with your loved one.

It’s so easy, with the busyness of everyday life, with children, jobs and responsibilities, to get distracted by routine and other people… Sometimes it means your relationship stops taking centre stage.

A Boudoir Couples Experience is about letting the relationship - the love, the intimacy, the sensuality, the connection, the story - that you share with your partner, step into the spotlight.

How does a Couples Boudoir Experience work at Divine Divas?

Your Boudoir experience starts with your Discovery Calls. These are the phone calls we have with both you and your partner before you come in for your photographic experience. It’s where you can tell us your story, and, importantly, you can both take the time to really reflect on what makes each other special. We can learn what makes your relationship what it is, and, on your side, it means that before you even step into the studio you are feeling connected and appreciated. We also spend some time talking about outfits and styling, as well as your photography tastes, so that you feel prepared before the day of your Couples Boudoir experience.

Then, on the day it’s a 5 hour photographic experience, which includes:

  • A professional makeover so that you’re both feeling awesome in yourself!

  • A fully guided photo-shoot with your photographer.

  • And, the culmination of it all, your Design Consultation. This is where we premiere your photos, select the ones that you fall in love with and, together, we design artwork for you and your home.

What to wear for a Couples Boudoir Experience?

One thing we get asked all the time is “what should I wear?!”. So let’s answer the big one straight away - you do NOT have to wear lingerie. It doesn’t have to be in the Boudoir style if you don’t want it to be. Some couples opt for the ‘Boudoir’ experience because it shines a light on their sensuality, and their spark. It’s a fun, sexy thing to do. And, let’s be honest, it’s not always easy to make time, or mental space, for ‘romance’ - so this is a way to do exactly that, and what’s more, to create something that will always bring a bit of naughtiness into the home!

So if you are going down the Couples Boudoir route, here are some ideas:

  • Ideas for women (or anyone really!): lingerie, jeans and no top, an evening dress, your partner’s shirt, nothing at all…

  • Ideas for men (or again, anyone who likes the sound of this!): boxers, jeans and no top, a suit, nothing at all…

(As a sidenote, as mentioned Couples Boudoir is a great moment to focus on the attraction between you both so don’t feel you need to go for our recommendations. You’ll know what you love your partner wearing, and they’ll know what they love you wearing, so why not have fun exploring that?!)

HOWEVER, having said all of that, you can also opt to do a more Portrait Style Experience and that is just as beautiful. You can even do both, so that you do one look being Boudoir and the other being more classic!

If you’re tempted by this idea, then the same thoughts apply. Wear what makes you and your partner feel good! Smart outfits like dresses and suits are always timeless but if that doesn’t sound like you and your partner, then rip up the rule book! Wear your sports kit, your jeans, your DIY outfit… whatever makes you two feel like YOU.


What artwork do you create?

You can choose between lots! We have prints, albums, treasure boxes and wall art!

I know that some people have hesitations over their artwork being too steamy, so for those who are worried by that you can always choose something more discreet like an album for your Boudoir photos, and then choose a timeless portrait of yourself as a couple for the walls. It will become that photo that your family still have of you both in years and years to come! We all deserve at least ONE beautiful portrait of ourselves, don’t you think?

We have to say though, it can be fun to choose a spicier portrait for the wall, especially if it’s going in the bedroom. It does wonders… if you know what we mean 😜

And finally, want to know what other people have to say about their Couples Experiences? Read below!

P.S We want to mention, the couples below do all happen to be relationships between men and women but that’s just because they are the people who have happened to share their testimonials. We welcome ALL relationships, and ALL people, in our studio. Love is love. 🏳️‍🌈

Nicki and Andy

“This man is my best friend. He builds me up, he believes in me, and he looks after me. Thank you Divine Divas for capturing our love. If you’re wondering about whether to book a Couples Boudoir Experience, just do it. It will make you fall in love with your partner a wee bit more.”

- Together 21 years

Helen and Mark

“I was not quite sure what to expect but I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. My photographer Neill was fab. We have some great photos, some to share and some that represent a true reflection of us as a couple. I would thoroughly recommend any couple to try this experience and see what wonderful memories can be captured and recorded forever. I loved it.”

- From Mark’s Perspective!

Lester and Lisa

“Go for it. I didn't think my husband would go for it at all as it's not normally his thing so I couldn't believe it when I mentioned it and he said yes straight away. I thought I was going to have to convince him. He enjoyed the experience and loved the photos. Totally worth it.”

- Together 30 years!

Victoria and Stuart

“It is an amazing experience for both of you.  My husband and I have always been close but this experience has given us an even closer bond.”

- together 17 years

Louise & Malcolm

“Just do it! It’s something you can treasure for years to come.”

- Together nearly 19 years

Jay Louise-Barnes & Andrew

“We truly believe that Divine Divas helped save our marriage. Myself and Andrew are huge fans of Divine Divas…For me alone, it brought out a long lost part of me that so desperately needed to be brought back out. She had been forgotten for far too long. For us as a couple, it helped bring back the passion, the fun, the appreciation we have for each other.”

Want to find out more about Couples Boudoir? Just give us a call on 01225 483151 or email


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