What is Boudoir Photography?

To keep it sweet and short, Boudoir is a genre of photography that focuses on creating sensual and intimate photography in a studio, bedroom or dressing-room style environment.

However, this definition is very boring. And also expresses about 2% of what makes Boudoir photography amazing. So we’re going to throw the dictionary to one corner, and explain to you what Boudoir photography really is.

Boudoir photography is all about empowerment. ‘Empowerment’ is an overused word but, in this case, it’s the most accurate way to explain it.

For us, Boudoir photography is a way to stop and pause. We are constantly told we should love ourselves and love our bodies, but so many things fight against that. From social narratives to past relationships, there are lots of reasons that our self-esteem may not be as high as we’d want it.

As well as that, on a very day-to-day level, life is busy. It’s easy to hypothetically agree that you want to prioritise yourself and learn to love yourself, but then every second of the day is taken up by work, children, cleaning the house… you know how it is. It’s hard to feel connected with the ‘you’ that feels sensual and beautiful in her body when so often the only way we think of our body is as the tool that does our jobs.

So that’s where we come in. Boudoir is how you turn self-love and turn it into an action.

After-all, confidence isn’t just this wonderful feeling we arrive at by magic. It makes practise, and it takes time.

Why does Boudoir help with confidence?

I can’t talk for other Boudoir studios but I know what we do, and I know it works.

Before you come to us, there is dedicated time in our discovery calls where we get to know you and, crucially, you get to ask yourself questions about what makes you feel proud to be who you are. If you’re starting from 0 when it comes to confidence, the calls are the time you set to challenge yourself to counter negative feelings and the inner voice that makes you feel lesser. It’s time where you’re not washing the dishes, or walking the dog - what you’re doing is stopping, and actively challenging negative beliefs and, in it’s place, starting to grab onto the voice that says ‘I am enough’.

The discovery calls are also your chance to really ask yourself what YOU find beautiful/sexy/powerful about YOURSELF. I think, as a woman, it is so easy to ask ourselves what others find attractive in us. How often, or even have you EVER, asked yourself what you find beautiful about yourself? It’s an exploration, and celebration, of identity in a real, practised way. This isn’t conceptual, this is practising confidence and self-love.

Even the act of choosing what you’re going to wear is an act of self-love because you are asking yourself, what feels like ME? What makes ME feel good? And then CELEBRATING that.

So, to answer the original question, Boudoir isn’t just ‘intimate style photography’, it is an act of self-love, and, a lot of the time, of courage.

Boudoir is also about being cared for

The other thing? Boudoir is a day where you are pampered, supported and looked after. It is a day that is truly all about you. Our studio is a sanctuary, and we are here to care for you. You are made drinks, you are fussed over, you enjoy a professional makeover…because, again, you deserve it. Because when was the last time you allowed yourself, or were able to, be totally cared for? Without having to worry about what you give in return?

Then, of course, there is the photoshoot!

So this is the part that more people will know. The photoshoot. Of course.

This is truly a bucket list feeling. I am not a photographer; so I am writing from the perspective of someone who has experienced a Boudoir photoshoot instead.

So, yes, to answer the question ‘What is Boudoir?’ again, Boudoir photography does tend to be photographs of someone in their lingerie, or in the nude, and it does tend to be of a more sensual or sexual style. But this definition does nothing to explain how a Boudoir photoshoot feels.

I have NO idea why having your photo taken by a stranger, as you stand naked in front of them, feels so, so, so good. But, by god, it feels so liberating. So freeing.

It’s like you spend all this time worrying about what people think, or what you should wear, or how you look, and then in this photoshoot - the shackles just come off. You step into such a ‘sod it’ space where none of that matters. You can just BE.

It’s a feeling of baring not just your body, but your soul, and finding the joy in that.

The photographers make you feel so at ease, and you have so much fun. It feels so natural and it’s just joyful. It’s a surprising and beautiful state of mind.

The artwork - the way that you carry the feeling with you forever

Why is the artwork such an important element of Boudoir? Because you walk out of the photoshoot feeling invincible, and without the artwork, that feeling doesn’t always stay around.

It sounds brutal but it’s true. Most of us have had moments where we feel great, but the feeling fades. So the artwork is there to bottle that feeling, to remind you of how you felt, and it is created to be placed somewhere you will SEE it, and then continue to FEEL it.

For example, if you tell us that you need to be reminded of the daring, more spontaneous you, we will then make sure that you connect with and celebrate that side of yourself again, AND then together we create an artwork that is infused with that energy. So say you choose to design a wall art to put in your bedroom, it means that every time you wake up and see your artwork, not just are you seeing a beautiful photo of yourself, but you have created an anchor for yourself; something that every time you look at it gives you proof that you ARE that invincible, daring woman, and so you start everyday with that message. Think about what that does for you…

Which means the uplift and boost you got from the experience wasn’t just a one-day thing, it’s an experience and a feeling that you bring into your home, and into your life forever more.

Why do people book a Boudoir photoshoot?

A big question, with SO many answers!

A lot of people come to us to boost their confidence and there are a million reasons they may feel that way - maybe they’ve always struggled with low-self esteem, maybe their body has recently changed through becoming a parent or operations, maybe they’ve just left a relationship, or maybe they feel like they’ve lost themselves after years of not putting themselves first.… There are as many reasons as people who come to us!

However, it’s not all about confidence either. There is a huge element of celebration in Boudoir, so a lot of Divas come to us to celebrate that they ARE starting to/or are already feeling great. Or maybe they come to us for a Boudoir experience as part of a milestone birthday, or after finding themselves after a divorce, or feeling sexy again after discovering Pole Fitness, or maybe as part of a Bridal Gift?!

Reasons are nuanced, and it’s not always just one thing. People are complex after all and our relationship with our body, and the love we have for ourselves, is a forever developing story.

Does Boudoir have to be lingerie?

Such a good question. NO. It does not have to be lingerie.

Boudoir is about celebrating what makes you who you are. It’s not about making you ‘look beautiful’, it’s about making you feel fabulous. So if you don’t feel fabulous in lingerie, don’t wear it!

We’ve had people wear leather jackets, cos-play, dresses. Heck, we even had a woman bring in her paddleboard.

Boudoir doesn’t have to be sexy; a lot of people just choose to go down that route because it feels liberating and makes them feel good but there are no rules here, just wear what makes you feel good!

It can even be more like a portrait experience if you don’t want the lingerie route and want something that anyone and everyone can see; the goal is just that you end up with a feeling, and something, that makes you feel so cherished.

Is Boudoir Photography just for women?

Absolutely not. We are for everyone, of all genders. We are a safe space for transgender and non-binary Divas.

What about Boudoir Couple Photography?

Yes, we do couples too! It’s the exact same philosophy - it gives couples a chance to celebrate their relationship, their connection, and pause within a busy life (that doesn’t always encourage taking time for intimacy!!) to really celebrate that part of the relationship.

What do other women (who don’t work here!) have to say about Boudoir…

Honestly, I cannot explain to you why Boudoir as is magical as it is. Before I worked here, I can totally understand the cynical view that the term ‘life-changing’ is nothing more than a case of hyperbolic marketing but, Boudoir really is life-changing when done right.

And it’s not just me who thinks that. I’ve pasted a few recent testimonials below, which I think express a very similar thing!

Jane - “I am sure some of what I’ve written sounds a little OTT - don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! Yes, it’s a photoshoot, yes you will go back to your everyday life. But no, you won’t feel the same.” (To read her whole blog, click here.)

Sue - “It seems crazy and inexplicable that this is all achieved by having some photos taken in pretty lingerie. The vulnerability of being seen - unmasked in every way - also means removing all those labels and getting to the core of yourself. In this experience I wasn’t a widow, a mother, a business woman. I also wasn’t strong, brave or keeping it together. I was just me. Amazing, free, adventurous, bold, fun, ME! And it was so liberating!” (To read her whole blog, click here.)

So, in summary, I hope this blog gave you a bit more insight into the world of Boudoir and why people go for it. If you’re thinking this could be exactly what you need, just get in touch by pressing the button below!


Where to Stay In Bath, England, During Your Couples Boudoir Getaway


Nude Boudoir: An Interview With Our Photographer